Operational Readiness
The team at Ridgehill Resources places an emphasis on operational readiness.
Ridgehill Resources invites the operations team to attend throughout the 3 study phases and then through detailed design and finally execution, commissioning and final handover. Early preparation for operational readiness ensures a smooth transition between the constructor and the client's operating entity.
Our experience has demonstrated the following with regards to operations readiness by:
Involving the Operations team as early as practicable, assists in Operations taking ownership of the plant.
Including their input into each phase of study, from a safety & maintainability perspective.
Involving the Operations team in the Value Improvement Process (VIP) during the project's design phases.
Selecting an appropriate team of Operations personnel to be part of the commissioning process, by allocating specific discipline tasks, and in addition provides them with an understanding of how the plant functions.
Assisting Operations in the training program.
The above actions will ensure a smoother handover as well as providing ownership of the asset.