Study Management
Studies are the precursors for the client in order to understand and determine if the project is viable. There are predominantly 3 study stages (ie conceptual, prefeasibility and feasibility) which are individually developed to provide various flow sheet options and varying levels of Total Installed Cost (TIC) estimates.
During the concept phase of a study there may be as many a 4-5 flow sheet options and all of these will be estimated with a +/- 30% level of accuracy. The level of accuracy is determined based on the level of engineering certainty and can be reduced or increased as the information becomes more reliable.
Most Clients undertake the 3 stages of study in order to refine / validate the project scope and accuracy of the costs in order to secure project funding, both internally or externally.
Ridgehill Resources’ experience has shown that by developing a Study Implementation Plan in conjunction with the Client greatly assists in the clear concise communication of who is doing what by when.
The study implementation plan includes as a minimum the following:
Prelimiary Table of Contents
Stakeholder Management Plan
RACI Matrix
Study Implementation Schedule
Study implementation Organisation Chart
Study Glossary of Terms
Study Budget cost estimate
Approved weekly report pro forma
Draft monthly report pro forma
List of procedural guidelines
Document Control procedure
Study implementation sign off sheet